1 - 20 April 2024

by Pete Morris

Our 2024 Micronesia tour was another epic twitch around the widely scattered group of islands in the Western Pacific which between them form Micronesia. It was an out and out success, with all desired endemics being seen, and seen well, as well as a few smart seabirds and some uncommon migrants. Amongst the impressive collection of seldom seen endemics were some great birds, with favourites including Palau Owl, Micronesian Megapode (both Palau and Mariana forms), Palau, White-throated and White-fronted Ground Doves, the rare Guam Rail, Pohnpei Lorikeet, the stunning Golden White-eye, and an excellent selection of kingfishers and fruit doves to name just a few. The impact of humanity on the fragile island ecosystems was sadly evident. Of the 116 species recorded, nearly one quarter are species of conservation concern. As a sad footnote, the endemic landbirds of Guam have already been obliterated (all are extinct in the wild), and although there are measures in place to try to prevent the spread of the destructive Brown Tree Snake, the survival of several species hangs in the balance! There are though, plans afoot to re-establish wild populations of the stunning Guam Kingfisher on some remote, predator-free islands.

After our long journeys (Palau is far from almost anywhere!) we assembled in Koror in the Palau Archipelago, eagerly anticipating what was to be a splendid adventure through the South Pacific. Our first day together was an excellent one! We began with a few common endemics including Palau Swiftlet, the attractive Palau Fruit Dove, colourful Micronesian Myzomelas, and the ubiquitous Micronesian Starling. We then made a concerted effort to see the excellent Slaty-legged Crake, which, thanks to some help from a lovely local family, we saw extremely well. Later that afternoon we made our way on to Babeldaob, where we enjoyed more endemics, including the scarce and uncommon Palau Cicadabird, the attractive Palau Fantail, the gorgeous Palau Flycatcher, the subtle Palau Bush Warbler, Dusky White-eye (our first of many white-eyes – this is a great trip for boosting your white-eye stats!) and the interesting Morningbird. As darkness fell, thousands of Pacific Sheath-tailed Bats and Palau Flying Foxes streamed overhead and it wasn’t long before we achieved some excellent views of the scarce Palau Nightjar. We then shifted focus, and soon had our main target fixed in the spotlight, the superb Palau Owl. We watched this stunner for a while, and then retired for a well-earned beer and a rest (unless you were involved in a phone hunt!!).

The following morning, we were off early and set off by boat through the gorgeous Rock Islands. As we made our way past James Bond scenery, we soon started noting Black and Brown Noddies, White, Crested, Bridled and stunning Black-naped Terns, and delightful White-tailed Tropicbirds. High overhead, Nicobar Pigeons made their way to far off islands to feed, a single Tropical Shearwater flew over (presumably from its nesting burrow), noisy Sulphur-crested Cockatoos squawked, and we also found our first bulky Micronesian Imperial Pigeon. We soon moved on to the tiny Ulong Island, and even before we had set foot on the island, our first Micronesian Megapode had been spotted running around on the strandline. We disembarked and made our way into the fantastic strand forest. Here more Micronesian (Palau) Megapodes scurried around (including a couple of tiny juveniles), and one pair were particularly showy and entertained us for a while. After a bit of a search, we found our main quarry, the tiny but delightful Palau Ground Dove. These proved a little tricky to see well, but with perseverance, we all enjoyed good views of this super little bird. More of the common endemics such as Palau Fantail and Morningbird showed well, and Dusky and Citrine White-eyes foraged on flowers, whilst noisy Collared Kingfishers perched up. We spent the rest of the day cruising back through the rock islands, checking various spots, seeing plenty more pigeons, tropicbirds, terns and noddies, and some vocal but elusive Giant White-eyes, but sadly, no woodswallows.

The following day we again explored the scenic Rock Islands, and again without any success in locating the rare Palau form of White-breasted Woodswallow. This form must be seriously rare now, with a recent estimate of fewer than 50 individuals remaining! We did see many of the same species again, and we also spent most of the morning around Ngeruktabel where we tackled the trail up to the Old German Lighthouse. This proved to be a pleasant walk, and we finally attained great views of several Giant White-eyes, a rather strange looking species that one would never guess was a white-eye! We also found another lovely little Palau Ground Dove and had time to reflect as we walked past numerous old cannons, shells and artillery stores – our first of many reminders of darker times. Talking of darker times, much of the day was washed out by torrential rain, and most of us got a good soaking, so it was nice to get back to our friendly and comfortable hotel and warm up and relax!

The following day we toured around Babeldaob, admiring the scenery and picking up a few extra species as we went. Top priority was the attractive Rusty-capped Kingfisher, and we had little trouble tracking down several of these smart kingfishers noting both rusty-capped and buff-capped individuals. Many Buff-banded Rails pottered around the edges of the roads, Oriental Pratincoles were found on the airfield, a vagrant Grey-streaked Flycatcher was a surprise, and a few waders scattered around the coast included smart Grey-tailed Tattlers and both Greater and Siberian Sandplovers. After a relaxing evening, we travelled overnight to Saipan, via Guam.

Arriving at Saipan the following morning, we soon saw Mariana Swiftlet and Bridled White-eyes, and then got organized, and took a bit of a break at the hotel. After lunch, we took a boat trip out to the nearby Managaha Island, a fun little adventure which yielded the hoped-for local form of Micronesian Megapode, as well as several of the attractive Saipan form of Mariana Kingfisher, and entertaining colonies of White Terns and Black Noddies. We then opted to explore a couple of sites in the north of the island and quickly raced through the endemics! The by-now familiar fruit dove calls soon led us to the simply superb Mariana Fruit Dove. Bridled White-eyes were abundant and, after a little effort, we found the stunning Golden White-eye and the impressive Saipan Reed Warbler, complete with its ridiculous bill! Several White-throated Ground Doves showed, including a few flying over at great height and Micronesian Rufous Fantails obliged. With the job done, we indulged in a little seawatching and sightseeing, including a visit to the terrifying Suicide Cliffs: another chance for some sombre reflection.

The following morning, we took the short but scenic flight across to the adjacent Tinian Island. Finding the endemic Tinian Monarch was not too much of a challenge, and having admired several, as well as more examples of the available endemics already seen on Saipan, we set about a little exploration of this island which is synonymous with second world war history and more dark times. We even looked at where the infamous nuclear warheads that were dropped on Japan were housed, the huge airfields that dominated the north of the island and other war artefacts. Whilst reflecting back on the terrible times, we could only hope that we do not plunge further back into such chaotic times again. After a fine lunch we returned on our short tandem flights, and relaxed on Saipan, some of us enjoying more views of the exquisite endemics.

After a final morning on Saipan, watching the Mariana Swiftlets and admiring the glorious Golden White-eyes and magnificent Mariana Fruit Doves, we took a flight (well two flights) across to the adjacent Rota. The local Rota form of Mariana Kingfisher was easy to see as we headed away from the airport, and we then spent the first afternoon walking to and watching from a viewpoint over an impressive seabird colony. Here we could admire Red-tailed and White-tailed Tropicbirds, Red-footed and Brown Boobies and Brown Noddies cruising past at eye level, and, after a long wait, the hoped-for vagrant female Abbott’s Booby gave us a fly-by! The rest of the afternoon and early evening we spent searching in vain for Guam Rail, flushing numerous introduced Philippine (Island) Collared Doves and Black Drongos as we searched. We looked again the following morning, though with feral cats much in evidence, it seems as though the costly (and perhaps poorly thought out and executed) introduction programme on Rota has most likely failed! We then explored elsewhere and were soon watching the critically endangered (though not too impressive) Mariana Crow. Many of the birds we saw were colour-ringed birds that have been introduced to bolster the dwindling wild population, though we also saw wild un-ringed birds. We then made our way into the nearby hills, and once there, we soon found the critically endangered Rota White-eye as well as smart Mariana Fruit Doves, Micronesian Rufous Fantails and the other usual suspects! The rest of our time on Rota we enjoyed plenty more views of the goodies and also re-visited the seabird colony, though only two of the group managed another view of the Abbott’s Booby.

Our next port of call was Guam, and a hastily arranged trip to the south of the island from where we boarded a boat to the former resort on the tiny Cocos Island. This, our attempt to see the re-introduced population of Guam Rail, proved to be a bit of a bittersweet visit. It was hot and hard work, and the rails were shy and elusive, and although most of us got some decent views of the rails in the end, it was not without cost! We made our way back to the airport and embarked upon another late transit, this time to the lovely island of Yap.

After a fairly short night’s sleep, we took it easy on our first day on Yap, essentially taking the first morning off, for we had plenty of time on Yap! The flight schedule left us with four days on the island, so there was no need to bust a gut. During our stay we explored various forested areas, gradually picking up the required endemics. Good numbers of spectacular White-fronted Ground Doves showed well, even being visible from the hotel restaurant, Plain White-eyes were particularly common, a good number of delightful Yap Monarchs were seen well, and the local form of Micronesian Rufous Fantail obliged. The other two endemics took more tracking down. The somewhat starling-like Yap Cicadabird was seen very well at a couple of spots, and last to fall was the unobtrusive and seemingly scarce Olive-colored White-eye, which we ended up finding in a couple of areas.

For the rest of our time on this peaceful island we could relax somewhat. We admired the Yap money (huge stones!) and the gorgeous coastal scenery and took it easy. Oh, and we did a bit more birding too! We had plenty more opportunities to admire the Yap endemics, found a few waders around the coast including Grey-tailed Tattlers and Grey Plover, and and visited a reservoir and nearby pools which attracted Swinhoe’s Snipes, Whiskered Terns, White-browed Crakes and Common Moorhens, as well as a few rarities such as Medium Egret, Black-winged Stilt, Oriental Pratincole, Long-toed Stints, several Garganeys and a couple of Eurasian Teal, the latter perhaps the first recorded on the island?! We were also surprised to see how bold the local Yellow Bitterns were, even foraging on the open mudflats.

Leaving Yap behind, we had another rather unsociable overnight journey, this time via Guam and on to Weno, the main inhabited island in Chuuk. We arrived on Weno, Chuuk, late morning, and made our way to our comfortable base right at the south end of the island. Once again, we didn’t have to rush around too much, so instead put our feet up, enjoyed lunch and relaxed for a while. Later that afternoon we explored the grounds of the hotel. Here we found most of what we were looking for. Widespread species such as Micronesian Myzomela and Micronesian Starling were again common, localized Island Swiftlets flitted overhead, and the lawns were covered in Ruddy Turnstones and Pacific Golden Plovers. These were joined by stunning White-fronted Ground Doves (we went on to see several more) and gorgeous Blue-faced Parrotfinches, and we also found colourful Purple-capped Fruit Doves, cute little Oceanic Flycatchers, bold Carolinian Reed Warblers and numerous Citrine White-eyes, as well as Nankeen Night Herons, Pacific Black Ducks and Chuuk Flying Foxes.

Unfortunately, the weather was looking a bit unsettled, and our boat trip to the adjacent Dublon Island the following morning was challenging to say the least! We made it over and enjoyed a productive, if at times wet, morning on the island. Our prime target, the large and stunning Chuuk Monarch, eventually obliged, and we enjoyed sensational views of a pair, just before the rain really set in and washed out the rest of the day! What a great bird it is, ultimately becoming our bird of the trip! We also notched up our first of a few Wandering Tattlers.

The following day it was still looking unsettled, but those with the required legs donned the waterproofs and went for it. The passage over to Tol South was not too bad, though the less than re-assuring welcome was less inspiring, and after some tense negotiations in the village, we appointed a guide and began climbing. It must be said that it was not a pleasant walk, and climbing to the sufficient altitude was tough, but when we got there, we were rewarded. After a few tense moments, a pair of Teardrop White-eyes showed superbly and we ended up seeing three pairs of this sensational and rare white-eye. All that was required was getting back down, which we did safely, thanked our helpers and quite literally escaped! Our journey back was relatively calm and uneventful until the heavens opened and we got another good soaking! The afternoon was again largely wet, but with the birds all under the belt, we could relax.

After a leisurely breakfast, we once again made our way to an airport, for our next island hop, this time to Pohnpei. Here, we quickly checked into the hotel, grabbed some lunch and headed for the nearest forest. A couple of hours later, we’d cleaned up! The Pohnpei endemics fell quickly, and in reality, we had plenty of time to enjoy them. And there were some impressive endemics amongst them. Perhaps most spectacular was the colourful Pohnpei Lorikeet, but almost as good was the attractive Pohnpei Kingfisher. A pair of the rare Pohnpei Cicadabird showed superbly and the supposedly rare Long-billed White-eye showed well on a few occasions. The endemic Grey-brown White-eye was common and both Pohnpei Fantail and Pohnpei Flycatcher entertained at close range on numerous occasions! Other more widespread Caroline Island endemics such as the Purple-capped Fruit Dove and Carolinian Reed Warbler showed well, and we also found the local form of Micronesian Imperial Pigeon a few times and, on the last morning, Citrine White-eye. We also admired the introduced Mottled (formerly Hunstein’s) Mannikin and had time to explore the lost city of Nan Modal, admiring the ruins as well as the lorikeets and kingfishers, and had time to take a scenic drive around the island, and explore the attractive Sokeh’s Mountain.

We then returned to the airport and checked in for our final flight, this time to the remote and seldom visited island of Kosrae. This was good news for me, as the island’s two endemics were split too late for my previous visit to the archipelago, so two new birds lay ahead! We made our way around to our resort and wasted no time tracking down Kosrae White-eye and the attractive Kosrae Fruit Dove. The job was complete, and for the rest of the time on Kosrae we could enjoy more views of the endemics, watch the Wandering Tattlers and Kosrae Flying Foxes, and relax.



And that is about it. The story of how a Birdquest group again overcame the difficulties of travelling around the Pacific to successfully find all of the Micronesian endemics once more. In total we set foot on around 20 different islands, requiring six adventures in boats, and no fewer than eleven flights! Virtually no other birding companies offer such a comprehensive tour to this remote corner of the world. It’s a great and seldom-visited area, so if you ever get the chance to visit… give it a go!






4th= Kosrae Fruit Dove

4th= Yap Monarch

6th Palau Owl



Species marked with the diamond symbol (◊) are either endemic to the country or local region or considered ‘special’ birds for some other reason (e.g., it is only seen on one or two Birdquest tours; it is difficult to see across all or most of its range; the local form is endemic or restricted-range and may in future be treated as a full species).

The species names and taxonomy used in the bird list follows Gill, F., Donsker, D., & Rasmussen, P.(Eds). 2024. IOC World Bird List (v14.1) (this was the current version when the checklist for the tour report was created).

Where the subspecies seen is/are known, these are often given in parentheses at the end of the species comment.



Garganey Spatula querquedula Up to seven seen daily at the Upper Reservoir and the Old Airstrip Pool.

Pacific Black Duck (Grey D) Anas superciliosa Two in the grounds of the Blue Lagoon Resort, Weno, Chuuk [pelewensis].

Eurasian Teal Anas crecca Two females seen well at the Old Airstrip Pool, Yap.

Micronesian Megapode ◊ (Palau M) Megapodius [laperouse] senex Brilliant views of a couple of pairs and a couple of juveniles on Ulong Island in the Rock Islands.

Micronesian Megapode ◊ (Mariana M) Megapodius [laperouse] laperouse Excellent views of one on Managaha Island, off Saipan.

Red Junglefowl (introduced) Gallus gallus Chickens everywhere!

Palau Nightjar ◊ Caprimulgus phalaena Great views on three occasions.

Palau Swiftlet ◊ Aerodramus pelewensis Common and widespread.

Mariana Swiftlet ◊ (Guam S) Aerodramus bartschi Good views of a few, especially along Ayuya Drive.

Island Swiftlet (Caroline Islands Swiftlet) Aerodramus [inquietus] inquietus First seen in the grounds of the Blue Lagoon Resort, Weno, Chuuk [rukensis].i Also on Pohnpei [ponapensis].

Rock Dove (introduced) Columba livia

Philippine Collared Dove (introduced) Streptopelia dusumieri Very common and widespread on Saipan and Rota.

Nicobar Pigeon ◊ Caloenas nicobarica Great views of several on Palau and the adjacent islands.

White-fronted Ground Dove ◊ (Caroline Islands G D) Pampusana kubaryi Several seen very well. First seen in the grounds of the Blue Lagoon Resort, Weno, Chuuk. Also seen on Dublon Island.

White-throated Ground Dove ◊ Pampusana xanthonura Plenty seen on Saipan and Tinian, including many flying over at height! Also seen daily on Yap, with many stunning views.

Palau Ground Dove ◊ Pampusana canifrons Great views of at least three on Ulong Island in the Rock Islands, and another on the track to the German Lighthouse.

Purple-capped Fruit Dove ◊ Ptilinopus ponapensis A few, first seen in the grounds of the Blue Lagoon Resort, Weno, Chuuk. Also seen well on Pohnpei

Kosrae Fruit Dove ◊ Ptilinopus hernsheimi Many seen well on Kosrae.

Palau Fruit Dove ◊ Ptilinopus pelewensis Common throughout Palau.

Mariana Fruit Dove ◊ Ptilinopus roseicapilla Excellent views of a few, especially at Ayuya Drive. A real stunner!

Micronesian Imperial Pigeon ◊ (Micronesian P) Ducula oceanica On Palau, first seen well along the road by the Ngardok Forest Reserve. Also, several seen well around the Rock Islands. Also seen well on Yap and Pohnpei

Buff-banded Rail (Banded R) Hypotaenidia philippensis Several seen along the roadsides as we were driving on Palau. Up to 40 seen in a day on Babeldaob [pelewensis]!

Guam Rail ◊ Hypotaenidia owstoni At least two seen on Cocos Island off the southern end of Guam.

Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus Seen on each visit to the Upper Reservoir and the Old Airstrip Pool, Yap. Also seen on Saipan [guami].

Slaty-legged Crake ◊ Rallina eurizonoides Fantastic views of one on Palau. Thank you, Joyce, [nominate].

White-browed Crake Poliolimnas cinereus Plenty seen on Yap, including two regularly at the Upper Reservoir.

Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus One seen daily at the Upper Reservoir, Yap.

Grey Plover (Black-bellied P) Pluvialis squatarola Three individuals seen around the coast of Yap.

Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva Common, with plenty seen well including some cracking breeding plumaged birds.

Siberian Sandplover (Mongolian P) Anarhynchus mongolus c6 seen well, including one in summer plumage, at Ngirngemelas, on the east coast of Babeldaob. Also, one seen on the coast of Yap.

Greater Sand Plover Anarhynchus leschenaultii At least two at Ngirngemelas, on the east coast of Babeldaob, Palau [leschenaultii].

Eurasian Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus Small numbers at scattered sites.

Swinhoe’s Snipe Gallinago megala A few seen with best views at the reservoir on Yap.

Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos Small numbers on Palau and Yap.

Grey-tailed Tattler Tringa brevipes First seen on Palau and a few other scattered sightings, with several in breeding plumage.

Wandering Tattler Tringa incana Seen well on Dublon Island and again on Kosrae.

Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola A few seen well on Palau and Yap.

Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia One seen at the Upper Reservoir on Yap.

Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres Common and widespread, with many in smart breeding plumage.

Long-toed Stint Calidris subminuta Good views of up to ten on Yap.

Oriental Pratincole Glareola maldivarum First seen on the airport at Palau. Also, one on Yap, and on the airfield at Chuuk.

White Tern (Common White T) Gygis alba Common and widespread with many great sightings [candida].

Brown Noddy Anous stolidus Common and widespread with many great sightings [pileatus].

Black Noddy ◊ Anous minutus Common and widespread with many great sightings [marcusi].

Bridled Tern Onychoprion anaethetus Lots seen well around the Rock Islands [nominate].

Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybrida A few scattered migrants seen, the first on Palau.

White-winged Tern (W-w Black T) Chlidonias leucopterus A couple seen on Palau.

Black-naped Tern Sterna sumatrana Plenty seen around the coasts with some great views of subtly pink-hued adults [nominate].

Greater Crested Tern (Great C T) Thalasseus bergii A few seen around the coasts [criststus].

Black-headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus A 1w (2cy) seen in Malakal Harbour, Palau.

Red-tailed Tropicbird ◊ Phaethon rubricauda A few, including excellent views from the lookout at the Bird Sanctuary on Rota [melanorhynchos]!

White-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon lepturus Many stunning views [dorotheae].

Wedge-tailed Shearwater Ardenna pacifica A few seen whilst seawatching, the first off, the northern coast of Saipan.

Tropical Shearwater ◊ Puffinus bailloni One seen high over the Rock Islands and another high over the hotel just after first light! Both presumably heading out from a nesting site [dichrous].

Lesser Frigatebird Fregata ariel A juvenile seen well off Ulong Island [nominate].

Great Frigatebird Fregata minor A dew seen with best views from the lookout at the Bird Sanctuary on Rota [palmerstoni].

Abbott’s Booby ◊ Papasula abbotti The adult female was seen well from the lookout at the Bird Sanctuary on Rota, though it only showed once for less than a minute, from there in three attempts, with another sighting from the lookout.

Red-footed Booby Sula sula Excellent views, especially from the lookout at the Bird Sanctuary on Rota [rubripes].

Brown Booby (Forster’s B B) Sula [leucogaster] plotus Excellent views, especially from the lookout at the Bird Sanctuary on Rota.

Masked Booby Sula dactylatra One flew past the lookout at the Bird Sanctuary on Rota [personata].

Little Pied Cormorant Microcarbo melanoleucos A few seen on Palau [melanoleucos].

Yellow Bittern Ixobrychus sinensis Fairly common and widespread with many good views.

Nankeen Night Heron (Rufous N H) Nycticorax caledonicus A few seen, the first on Palau [pelewensis].

Striated Heron Butorides striata One on Palau, and another on Yap.

Pacific Reef Heron (P R Egret) Egretta sacra Widespread, nice to watch the mixed pair on Kosrae [nominate].

Little Egret Egretta garzetta One seen regularly at the Upper Reservoir on Yap [nigripes].

Eastern Cattle Egret Bubulcus coromandus A few seen with biggest numbers at the Upper Reservoir, Yap.

Medium Egret Ardea intermedia Best views were at the Upper Reservoir, Yap.

Palau Scops Owl ◊ Otus podarginus Brilliant views of several on Palau A cracking bird, though I struggle to believe this species should be placed in the genus Otus. In many ways, it looks and sounds more like a Ninox.

Collared Kingfisher Todiramphus chloris Fairly common on Palau [teraokai].

Mariana Kingfisher ◊ (White-headed K) Todiramphus [albicilla] albicilla Many seen well on Saipan.

Mariana Kingfisher ◊ (Rota K) Todiramphus [albicilla] orii Many seen superbly well on Rota, including one eating a mouse whole!

Rusty-capped Kingfisher ◊ (Palau K) Todiramphus pelewensis Several seen on roadside wires on Palau, and a nice juvenile seen on Ulong Island.

Pohnpei Kingfisher ◊ Todiramphus reichenbachii Fairly common and widespread, with many seen well, the first in the Lududuhniap Falls area.

Sulphur-crested Cockatoo (introduced) Cacatua galerita Plenty seen, especially around the Rock Islands.

Papuan Eclectus (introduced) Eclectus polychloros A few seen around the Rock Islands.

Pohnpei Lorikeet ◊ (P Lory) Trichoglossus rubiginosus Very common with many seen well.

Micronesian Myzomela ◊ (M Honeyeater) Myzomela rubratra A widespread endemic which was found throughout the islands. We saw five different subspecies as follows: kobayashii (Palau Archipelago); saffordi (Saipan, Tinian and Rota); kurodai (Yap); major (Chuuk) and dichromata (Pohnpei and Kosrae).

Palau Cicadabird ◊ Edolisoma monacha A few seen very well on Palau.

Yap Cicadabird ◊ Edolisoma nesiotis A male on the Cross Island Track, and a pair seen well by the Old Airstrip Pool.

Pohnpei Cicadabird ◊ Edolisoma insperatum Great views of a pair along the trail in the Lududuhniap Falls area.

Morningbird ◊ Pachycephala tenebrosa Plenty heard and a few seen well.

Black Drongo (introduced) Dicrurus macrocercus A common introduction on Rota and Guam.

Palau Fantail ◊ Rhipidura lepida Plenty seen well on Palau. An attractive species.

Pohnpei Fantail ◊ Rhipidura kubaryi Quite common, first seen in the Lududuhniap Falls area.

Micronesian Rufous Fantail ◊ Rhipidura versicolor A common and lovely bird. Three forms seen: saipanensis (on Saipan and Tinian); mariae (on Rota) and versicolor (on Yap).

Chuuk Monarch ◊ (Truk M) Metabolus rugensis Brilliant views of a pair on Dublon Island, Chuuk. The male gave incredible views and sang and displayed!

Yap Monarch ◊ Monarcha godeffroyi Small numbers seen daily at a wide number of sites.

Tinian Monarch ◊ Monarcha takatsukasae Several seen superbly well on Tinian.

Oceanic Flycatcher ◊ Myiagra oceanica First seen in the grounds of the Blue Lagoon Resort, Weno, Chuuk. Also very common on Dublon Island.

Palau Flycatcher ◊ (Mangrove F) Myiagra erythrops A lovely bird, with plenty seen well.

Pohnpei Flycatcher ◊ Myiagra pluto Quite common, first seen in the Lududuhniap Falls area.

Mariana Crow ◊ Corvus kubaryi Several seen well on Rota. Most were sporting colour rings, and were most likely recent releases, but one photographed from the Alguan Bay Lookout was unringed.

Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica Small numbers on Palau, especially around Koror.

Palau Bush Warbler ◊ Horornis annae Several seen well, and many others heard. A long-billed and strange-looking member of the genus.

Saipan Reed Warbler ◊ Acrocephalus hiwae Superb views of 3 or 4 on Saipan. Amazing birds!

Caroline Reed Warbler ◊ (Caroline Islands R W) Acrocephalus syrinx Quite common and seen well on Chuuk and on Pohnpei.

Golden White-eye ◊ Cleptornis marchei Brilliant views of many on Saipan. Stunner!

Teardrop White-eye ◊ (Great Truk W-e) Rukia ruki Excellent views of three pairs on the inhospitable Tol South!

Long-billed White-eye ◊ Rukia longirostra Seen a couple of times in the Lududuhniap Falls area, and also seen flycatching from a large flowering tree, at Sokehs Mountain.

Giant White-eye ◊ Megazosterops palauensis Common around the Rock Islands, especially by voice. Best views were along the trail to the German Lighthouse.

Olive-colored White-eye ◊ Zosterops oleagineus At least 3 seen well along the Tamilyog Trail, and several seen along the track at Fanif.

Dusky White-eye ◊ Zosterops finschii Fairly common and widespread on Palau.

Grey-brown White-eye ◊ Zosterops ponapensis Common, first seen in the Lududuhniap Falls area.

Kosrae White-eye ◊ Zosterops cinereus Brilliant views of good numbers on Kosrae.

Rota White-eye ◊ Zosterops rotensis Excellent views of c5 on the track up from the southwest corner of Rota.

Bridled White-eye ◊ Zosterops conspicillatus Very common on Saipan [saypani].

Citrine White-eye ◊ (Caroline Islands W-e) Zosterops semperi Three forms: nominate (Palau); owstoni (Chuuk) and takatsukasai (Pohnpei).

Plain White-eye ◊ Zosterops hypolais Very common and widespread.

Micronesian Starling ◊ Aplonis opaca Another widespread Micronesian species of which we noted five different subspecies as follows: orii (Palau Archipelago); guami (Saipan, Tinian, Rota and Guam – where now rare); kurodai (Yap); anga (Chuuk) and ponapensis (Pohnpei and Kosrae).

Grey-streaked Flycatcher Muscicapa griseisticta One seen in Imeong, on the west coast of Babeldaob, Palau.

Eurasian Tree Sparrow (introduced) Passer montanus Widespread introduction.

Scaly-breasted Munia (introduced) Lonchura punctulata A common introduction on Yap.

Chestnut Munia (introduced) Lonchura atricapilla A common introduction on Palau.

Mottled Mannikin (introduced) Lonchura hunsteini A few seen well on Pohnpei.

Blue-faced Parrotfinch Erythrura trichroa Best views were of the good numbers in the grounds of the Blue Lagoon Resort, Weno, Chuuk. Brilliant birds.

Orange-cheeked Waxbill (introduced) Estrilda melpoda A common introduction on Saipan.

Eastern Yellow Wagtail Motacilla tschutschensis A fine male seen on the field at the Sports Complex on Yap [nominate].



Philippine Brown Deer (introduced) Rusa marianna

Ruck Flying Fox (Truk F F) Pteropus insularis

Marianas Flying Fox Pteropus mariannus

Pohnpei Flying Fox Pteropus molossinus

Palau Flying Fox Pteropus pelewensis

Kosrae Flying Fox Pteropus ualanus

Yap Flying Fox Pteropus yapensis

Pacific Sheath-tailed Bat Emballonura semicaudata

Pacific Rat Rattus exulans